Regular price $95.00



We live in a world where devices that emit harmful EMF’s (Electromagnetic Fields) are all around us – think computers, cell phones, microwaves and more. The Cation Shield™ helps strengthen your body’s bio-field while bathing you with the beneficial effects of negative ions that help combat EMFs by transmuting dangerous positive ions into beneficial negative ions. All you have to do is attach one to any electronic device and start enjoying the protection of the amazing Cation Shield today!

Protection for Body and Mind

We all want to live a healthier, happier, longer and more vibrant life. Unfortunately, it is growing more and more difficult to meet that objective. With all of the technological advances over the past century we are literally creating interference that threaten our health and well-being.

That’s why Juuva believes in the overwhelming benefits of the Cation Shield. This shield was developed with proprietary, advanced technology and contains unique stones and minerals to help protect you from the harmful effects of your electronic devices.*

The stones within the Cation Shield emit negative ions, which provide numerous health benefits.*

Healing Properties Negative Ions:

Recovery from physical exhaustion or fatigue – by increasing oxygen levels in the blood and facilitating more efficient oxygen utilization, negative ions help accelerate recovery from fatigue.*

Stabilizing brain function – by promoting abundant oxygen levels in the blood, negative ions help normalize brain function, resulting in relaxation and calmness.*

Increasing metabolism – by stimulating the exchange of electronic substances in cell walls, negative ions help increase metabolism.

Strengthening the immune system – high levels of negative ions promote production of globulin in the blood, resulting in stronger resistance to illness.*

Balancing the autonomic nervous system – negative ions can calm and relax taut nerves by balancing the opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.*

Promoting better digestion – by counteracting over-arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, negative ions help ease tension in the stomach and intestines, promoting the production of digestive enzymes and enhancing digestion.*

Cell rejuvenation – negative ions help revitalize cell metabolism, enhancing the vitality of muscle tissue and strengthening internal organs.



Ions are invisible particles, either molecules or atoms, which bear an electric charge. Atoms, for instance, consist of an atomic nucleus that contains neutral neutrons and positively charged protons, as well as orbiting electrons that are negatively charged. When an atom is in a neutral condition, the number of protons (+) and electrons (-) is equal. When the number of protons and electrons is not the same, the particle becomes an ion that is either positively or negatively charged. Generally speaking, positive ions are harmful to the human body, while negative ions are beneficial .

Positive Ion: an atom (or molecule) that has lost one or more electrons due to a high-energy impact. Natural forces that generate positive ions include the decay of radioactive minerals, radon gas, forest fires, lightning and ultraviolet rays.

Negative Ion: an atom (or molecule) that has gained one or more extra negatively charged electrons. Negative ions are naturally generated by evaporating water.

Positive and negative ions also exist in our bodies, and the ratio of ions in the air we breathe influences the ratio in our bodies. Ions enter the body through the lungs (inhalation) as well as through the skin – especially through meridian (acupressure) points, which have weak electronic resistance. They then travel through the blood and lymphatic systems to cells throughout the body. Wearing Juuva Enerceutical products may increase the number of negative ions absorbed through the skin.


(These measurements were taken in Japan)

Inside typical Tokyo residences, positive ions were found to be 500 times more numerous than negative ions. These findings may be due to inadequate ventilation both in office buildings and energy-efficient houses, as well as from the use of electronic devices that generate electromagnetic fields and from building materials that emit formaldehyde and other toxic fumes. On the other hand, high negative ion levels, such as at waterfalls, hot springs and other highly moist areas, will neutralize positive ions, leading to very low positive ion levels.

These measurements suggest that it is difficult to maintain sufficient levels of negative ions in the present age.


Effects of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Signal Exposure on Brain Glucose Metabolism

The effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on melatonin and cortisol, two marker rhythms of the circadian system.

Empirical Evidence for the Effects of Negative Air Ions (NAI) on Psychophysiological State and Performance

Air ions and mood outcomes: a review and meta-analysis.


Effects of negative ions on cognitive performance

Recommendations on Cellphone Risk


The Cation Shield contains a proprietary combination of precious stones and minerals, each with unique abilities to consistently target and emit healing properties.

Anion: is an ion with more electrons than protons, giving it a net negative charge (since electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged).*

Germanium: Germanium is a semiconductor element. Germanium has a small band gap that allows it to efficiently respond to infrared light. The two important characteristics of Germanium that brings about healthy function effects are its natural ability to balance the body’s ions (bioelectricity) and the penetration of Far Infrared Rays into the human body. Germanium is a chemical element in the carbon group of metalloids. High in antiviral activity, it acts as a powerful antioxidant.

Far Infrared Rays: Far Infrared Rays are invisible waves of energy that have the ability to penetrate all layers of the human physical body, penetrating into the inner-most regions of the tissues, muscles and bone. Far Infrared therapy involves the use of Far Infrared rays to gently heal, soothe, stimulate and detox the physical body, as well as the mind.

Scalar Energy: Scalar energy can regenerate and repair itself indefinitely. This also has important implications for the body. Once the charge is implanted, it remains in place with the regular ingestion of charged products. Scalar energy is also more field like than wavelike. Instead of running along wires or shooting out in beams, it tends to “fill” its environment. This becomes very important in terms of developing the technology for embedding products with scalar energy.*

Zero-Point Energy: Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state and have an associated zero-point energy, a consequence of their wave-like interaction.*

Zeolites: Zeolites are microporous minerals that form where volcanic rocks and ash layers react with alkaline groundwater. Zeolite-based oxygen concentrator systems are widely used to produce medical-grade oxygen. The zeolite is used as a molecular sieve to create purified oxygen from air using its ability to trap impurities, in a process involving the adsorption of nitrogen, leaving highly purified oxygen and up to 5% argon. Zeolites are also widely used in industry for water purification.*

Tourmaline: Tourmaline is a healing stone known to aid in relieving stress, increasing mental alertness, improve circulation, and strengthen the immune system. It is a powerful agent for reducing toxin-related ailments. It is one of few minerals that emit negative ions and far infrared rays.


What is an Ion?

Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes

Effect of Negative Ion Atmospheric Loading on Cognitive Performance in Human Volunteers

Negative ion production from peptides and proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

Negative Ions – Vitamins of the Air?

The Positive Health Benefits of Negative Ions

Positive Is Bad, Negative Is Good

The Science Behind Negative Ions

Negative Air Ions Stimulate Mitochondria